Our scientists are successful! Big shout out to Jacek Wilk-Jakubowski BEng MSc PhD – creator of an acoustic fire extinguisher.

Our scientists are successful! Big shout out to Jacek Wilk-Jakubowski BEng MSc PhD – creator of an acoustic fire extinguisher.Jacek Wilk-Jakubowski BEng MSc PhD who is the Erasmus+ and CEEPUS Scholarship holder, is the author of an interesting project: an acoustic extinguisher 🧯🔊.
The innovative fire extinguisher suppresses the fire with sound waves. What may have looked like fantasy a few years ago today is confirmed by facts. An acoustic fire extinguisher was created at the Kielce University of Technology.
Inspired by trials conducted all over the world, the scientist decided to develop a device which, among many advantages, also has the most important one: it is not as destructive as in the case of traditionally used water or extinguishing foams.
The advantages of this technology include lower costs of operation and firefighting. The device extinguishes the flame from a distance of nearly two meters. It can be operated remotely, which means that a person does not have to be close to the fire source. Interestingly enough, not every type of sound is suitable for extinguishing. Jacek Wilk-Jakubowski BEng MSc PhD experiments show that bass is best for this – waves with a frequency close to the lower limit of what a human being is able to hear.
The inventor is working together with Paweł Stawczyk and scientists from the Technical University of Bulgaria. The prototypes have already been tested in the open air for liquid and gas extinguishing, and the tests were successful. We are very proud! Congrats and good luck in testing this innovative extinguisher

Press release in Polish available here: http://naukawpolsce.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,82488,kielce-akustyczna-gasnica-powstala-na-politechnice-swietokrzyskiej.html

More info about innovative device published by Technology Transfer Office at KUT: http://ott.tu.kielce.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/24.-Oferta-Technologiczna-Wilk-fale-akustyczne.pdf

Photo source: https://www.facebook.com/psk.kielce/

Orientation Day

Orientation Day Summer Semester 2019/2020

On 28th February, Department of Staff Development and International Relations organized first part of an Orientation Day with informative seminars for Erasmus and exchange students coming from 🇹🇷 🇪🇸 🇵🇹 🇮🇹 for summer semester of the academic year 2019/2020. During the Orientation Day, the exchange students were introduced to the university itself and were provided with the most important practical and academic information related to their mobility semester.

With the participation of Polish Students (Mentors/Buddies) and guests from Volunteering Centre in Kielce
the exchange students were also informed about the support they may get while studying at KUT and other extra-curricular activities they may be involved in during the following months if they would like to. Faculty coordinators and Erasmus + University Coordinator and representatives from our Department were also present.
The Orientation Day finalized with a short Introduction about Kielce, Poland where the exchange students had a short Polish language crash course.

Thanks for great day and we wish you pleasant and fruitful stay at Kielce University of Technology.

ORIENTATION DAY SUMMER SEMESTER 2020 – 28th February 2020 at 10.30.

ORIENTATION DAY SUMMER SEMESTER 2020 – 28th February 2020 at 10.30.

The official introduction day of Erasmus + at Kielce University of Technology will take place on Friday, 28th of February 2020 at 10.30 (Building of The Main Library, Room 34).

During Orientation Day we offer orientation activities that will help you settle in as a new international student in Kielce with a jump start!

An integration event for Erasmus + exchange students is organised by the Department of Staff Development and International Relations.

We believe that this event will long stay in the Erasmus students’ memories, as it will make a lasting impression of our hospitality.

It is strongly suggested to all incoming students to attend the Orientation Day, as it is an important step of starting their Erasmus studies.

We are inviting  for that meeting all students, who will start studies at KUT. Faculty coordinators, Erasmus + Coordinator and our Department representatives will be also present.

We would like to invite you on the 6th of March at 12.00 for a little walk around the City of Kielce with Tour Guide who is going to show you some of the nicest spots and things in our city.

 We wish you all a great semester!

ERASMUS + Project results & success stories

Success stories are finalised projects that have distinguished themselves by their impact, contribution, innovative results and/or creative approach, good practices and can be a source of inspirations to others.

We are happy to announce that Justyna Kasińska, PhD. Eng. from Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering was taken part in Erasmus + Staff Mobility Teaching in 2019/2020 in Slovakia at The University of Žilina. Her article was published and she was recognised for her outstanding work.

The other Researcher from Faculty of Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering at Kielce University of Technology, Tomasz Kozior, PhD. Eng. participated Erasmus + Staff Mobility in 2017 and his article was acknowledged  and  has been published https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1687814018792316

Also after Mr Tomasz Kozior, PhD. Eng. – DAAD scholarship in Germany, his articles were published and can be found under the following link:



Please head to the link http://dorobek.tu.kielce.pl/publikacje/publikacje.php?nazwisko=Kozior&imie=Tomasz where is Mr Kozior PhD. Eng. the list of academic achievements.

Congratulations to All!

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Design Thinking workshop for Erasmus + Students

Design Thinking workshop for Erasmus + Students23rd of January we’ve had a fabulous day with Erasmus + Students at Kielce Univeristy of Technology.  Together with Joanna Rudawska, PhD from Kielce Technology Park our Department of Staff Development and International Relations organised Design Thinking workshop in English.

It was fantastic opportunity to introduce to Students Design Thinking method.

Design thinking is a flexible process for getting the most out of the creative process. It is used in the arts, in engineering, in the corporate world, at universities, and in social and civic spaces. You can use it in every subject with every age group. It works when creating digital content or when building things with duct tape and cardboard. It can even be used in planning events or in designing services.

Apart from learning new things, we could get to know each other and share the knowledge about the culture & heritage. Many thanks to all for participation in that very inspirational learning session, and Joanna Rudawska, Phd for her brilliant ideas and great teaching skills. Erasmus + Students at KUT did excellent job! We are proud!