Erasmus + photo competition

Erasmus + is celebrating 🔟 million Erasmus participants – are you one of them?  #Erasmus10Million is celebrating 32 years.
Have you been part of the Erasmus+ experience 1987-2019, through higher education, vocational training, youth, sport or in another field?
Share your most memorable Erasmus photo!

If you were part of any of the Erasmus+ predecessor programmes: Comenius, Leonardo Da Vinci, Grundtvig, Youth in Action etc. – your entry is needed too!

🗓️13 January
🕛11:59 PM
📝Enter here 👉

Santa Claus Day at Kielce University of Technology

Ho Ho Ho! What it was a lovely day! 6th of December we gathered at Kielce University of Technology to celebrate Santa Claus/Father Christmas day. For our Erasmus +Students from Portugal, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Bangladesh, India it was a nice surprise! Department of International Cooperation organised great event with attendance of Special Guests: Vice-Rector Artur Maciąg, PhD hab., Eng., Professor of the University and Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators: Joanna Radowicz  PhD, Dorota Wiraszka, Phd Eng., Krzysztof Stępień, PhD hab., Eng., Professor of the University, Agata Ludynia, Phd Eng, Adam Kłak, Phd Eng., and one of the University Teacher: Zdzisław Piasta Phd.

Participants could get to know more about Christmastime in Poland, discover Polish tradition, try some Christmas specialties, get familiar with famous Polish custom. There was a Father Christmas/Santa Claus with lots of thoughtful gifts, Christmas Quiz, members of the University Choir were singing carols and at the end everyone could decorate Christmas tree with their own handwritten bubble. There was a very festive mood in the air!

The Erasmus Programme is enriching life experience, helping to build more inclusive international community and it’s bringing together students and societies from all over the world. 

Dodatkowa rekrutacja Erasmus+ dla studentów

ERASMUS + REKRUTACJA NA SEMESTR LETNI 2019/20 – NA STUDIA I PRAKTYKĘ do 31.10. 2019r. Studiuj, ucz się języków obcych, baw się w międzynarodowym towarzystwie. Nie musisz świetnie znać języka angielskiego – pojedziesz między innymi właśnie po to, by poćwiczyć mówienie w obcym języku. Koordynatorzy PŚk pomogą Ci przygotować plan działania, żeby nie stracić niczego z nauki. Studiowanie to nie tylko zdawanie egzaminów, ale poszerzanie horyzontów- na Erasmusie będziesz mieć ku temu wiele okazji. Po powrocie pokaż innym ile zyskałeś/aś. Ale najpierw zajrzyj tu: