University of Ruse Angel Kanchev
kod Uczelni: BG ROUSSE01
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
Business and administration, not further defined
Studenci – studia
I, II stopie艅: 2 osoby
Miesi膮ce: 10
Nauczyciele akademiccy
Inni pracownicy
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
Business and administration, not further defined
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Studenci – studia
I, II stopie艅: 2 osoby
Miesi膮ce: 10
Nauczyciele akademiccy
2 osoby
Inni pracownicy
2 osoby
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Studenci – studia
I, II stopie艅: 2 osoby
Miesi膮ce: 10
Nauczyciele akademiccy
Inni pracownicy
Technical University of Gabrovo
kod Uczelni: BG GABROVO01
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Studenci – studia
I, II, III stopie艅: 5 os贸b
Miesi膮ce: 25
Nauczyciele akademiccy
2 osoby
Inni pracownicy
3 osoby
Technical University of Varna
kod Uczelni: BG VARNA02
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Database and network design and administration
Engineering and engineering trades
not further defined
Studenci – studia
I, II, III stopie艅: 4 os贸b
Miesi膮ce: 20
Nauczyciele akademiccy
3 osoby
Inni pracownicy
2 osoby
University of National and World Economy
kod Uczelni: BG SOFIA03
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
0410 Business and administration, not further defined
0540 Mathematics and statistics, not further defined
0610 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
1041 Transport services
Studenci – studia
I, II stopie艅: 2 osoby
Miesi膮ce: 10
Nauczyciele akademiccy
1 osoba
Inni pracownicy
0540 Mathematics and statistics
not further defined
1 osoba
Visshe Uchilishte po Menidzhmant
kod Uczelni: BG ALBENA01
Typ wsp贸艂pracy
Business and administration
not further defined
Studenci – studia
I, II stopie艅: 3 osoby
Miesi膮ce: 15
Nauczyciele akademiccy
2 osoby
Inni pracownicy
2 osoby
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
I, II stopie艅: 3 osoby
Miesi膮ce: 15
2 osoby
2 osoby