General information
➯ The students eligible to apply for a study period at the Kielce University of Technology (hereinafter referred to as Host University or KUT) are students officially registered at the Partner University (hereinafter referred to as Home University) who at the moment of their arrival to the Host University have completed at least 1st year of their bachelor studies.
➯ Students should be guaranteed academic recognition of studies carried out at the Kielce University of Technology as equivalent to a period of study at their home University.
➯ The mobility process is organized in accordance with the principles set out in the guide for Erasmus + Programme Guide and the guidelines of the National Agency program in Poland – Foundation for the Development of the Education System.
Qualification process
➯ The qualification process takes place at the student’s home University according to the rules set out by the Home University and Erasmus + Programme Guide.
➯ It is required that students should demonstrate English language competence at minimum B1 level (according the to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). It is the duty of the Home University representative to check the student’s language competence.
Students' nomination
➯ The partner universities nominate the students to study at the Kielce University of Technology within the Erasmus+ programme by sending an email to the address:
The nomination should include the following data concerning the student:
➯ name,
➯ surname,
➯ gender,
➯ email address
➯ field of study.
After nomination
➯ After receiving the welcoming/accepting email from KUT, which will include the password to the IRK system, a student should register in the system and apply for Erasmus+ at KUT.
Helpful instruction is in the bookmarker
Incoming Students Guidelines
Before arrival
➯ The student is obliged to get a health insurance policy. A scan must be uploaded in the application.
➯ The project of Learning Agreements is prepared in consultation with Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinators of the Host University.
➯The Learning Agreements should be prepared by the students and must be approved by the responsible person at the student’s Home University and respectively at the Kielce University of Technology.
Approved LA will be uploaded to the files in the IRK student’s account.
➯ An Acceptance Letter is issued by the Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinators (It can be used for visa purposes if required) and it will be available in files in the IRK student’s account before arrival.
➯ The grant agreement is concluded with the student whose Learning Agreement has been approved by both universities. The grant agreement is prepared as soon as the student delivers the bank account details for the grant to be transferred. (sample of document)
➯ Student must fill out the form: INFORMATION FOR FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PURPOSES and deliver it to the Department of International Cooperation at KUT. (document to download)
➯ The agreement is signed by the student and the Host University representative. It should be signed before the beginning of the mobility period stated in the agreement. However, it is acceptable to sign the agreement immediately after the student’s arrival to KUT.
Agreement's general rules
➯ The duration of the mobility is specified in the grant agreement, the minimum duration of the student mobility is 3 months and the maximum period of funding and the stay is 5 months. (In the case of incomplete months, the grant amount will be calculated by multiplying the number of days in the month by 1/30 part of that amount ).
➯ The students incoming to KUT will receive a grant of 800 Euro per month and an additional grant to cover travel expenses calculated upon a distance using a calculator provided by the European Commission
➯ A pre-financing payment representing 90% of the grant will be paid within 30 days since signing the Grant Agreement by both sides. The payment of 10% of the grant will be paid within 20 days since receiving the online EU survey upon the end of the mobility.
➯ In a situation when the study program can’t be realized according to the Learning Agreement for various reasons beyond the control of the student, the student has the right to make amendments to LA such as deletion or addition of subjects.
➯ The changes need to be approved both by the Home and Host university within 1 month of the start of classes at the partner university. The situation when the student changes the study program without notifying his sending or hosting university can be regarded as a breach of the agreement and lead to the subsequent need to return the grant and the non-recognition of realized but not approved beforehand subjects.
➯ In order to introduce changes to the Learning Agreement, the student should fill part of the Learning Agreement “DURING THE MOBILITY, and obtain the confirmation (signature) of their Home university. Then the scanned part of the Learning Agreement is signed by the respective coordinator at the faculty of KUT.
Before departure
➯ Once the student has completed all their courses, taken exams, and collected all the grades the Faculty Coordinator will issue the appropriate Transcript of Records