The Royal Castle in Chęciny has already been visited by many foreign guests, among them, those maybe not very welcome, conquerors from Sweden many centuries ago 😉This time, on 27.05.2022, foreign students of the Kielce University of Technology decided to conquer the castle peacefully. It was the international group of students from India, Malaysia, Ghana, Morocco, Sudan, Turkey, Spain, among others.
For our students, the visit to the castle was a meeting with Polish history and culture. The guide familiarized the participants of the tour with the figures of Polish kings, whose sculptures can be admired along the route leading to the castle. Then the students learned a bit the history of the castle, took up the challenge of climbing one of the towers to admire the views of the surrounding area, and also tried their hand at duel as medieval knights, what caused a lot of fun. They had the chance to get to know the historical town, so typical for the Polish landscape but a bit exotic from the point of view of the students from Africa or Asia.
After the tour, the whole group had a meal at a local inn. For many students, it was a good opportunity to get to know each other better, share their experiences and arrange a night out to enjoy the time together.
This kind of meetings are widely shared in the social media by our foreign students. Many of their friends and acquaintances consider such trips as key recommendations of the Kielce University of Technology, what is confirmed by students from the Erasmus+ program who arrive each semester, but mainly by the candidates for regular studies, who exchange information about our university with their friends studying at the KUT.