Welcome Day 2023

At the Kielce University of Technology, it is already a tradition that the academic year for new international students starts with Welcome Days. On October 5, 2023, the first day – an official presentation has already taken place.

As the international community from year to year is expanding, the event was also attended by the Representatives of the University’s Authorities. The Vice Rector for Students Affairs and Education, prof. Artur Maciąg has officially welcomed the new students and wished them all the best at the beginning of their educational journey.  The first, official part of the meeting was conducted by the Head of the Department of International Cooperation – Anna Kasztelewicz, MA. There was useful information about Poland, Kielce, and the region as well as about KUT presented. Continue reading

International students investigate Polish history

On April 19, 2023, our International regular and Erasmus+ students took part in a trip to the Knight’s Sobków Castle. This time they came from Algeria, Guinea Bissau, Italy, Malaysia, Morocco, Mozambique, Romania, Tunisia, Turkey, and Ukraine to see for themselves the old times of Poland.

There were also the representatives of the University and Faculties Authorities present. As well as the representatives of the Department of Promotion and Communication of KUT and the organizers of the event – the Department of International Cooperation. Continue reading

Orientation day 2023

The new group of Erasmus+ incoming students has arrived at the Kielce University of Technology to study here during the summer semester. Some students who have come to our university for the winter semester decided to extend their mobility. The Department of Staff Development and International Cooperation as every semester has organized The Welcome Days for International Students.

On 2nd of March 2023 the Orientation Day took place. Students watched a presentation about Poland, Kielce, and the university. They also got familiar with the basic rules of studying at the Kielce University of Technology and living in dormitories. Studying under Erasmus+ at KUT this semester start students from Turkey, Italy, for the first time from Romania and also from Morocco, and Malaysia. Students took part in the “Pierogi Quiz “ – they had to answer questions concerned with basic knowledge of Poland, Kielce and KUT. All students got welcome packs and took group photos with attributes of their countries.

The next day on 3rd of March all the group was invited for a city guide tour. They visited the most significant places in the center of Kielce, got some information about the history of Poland, and finally… had the opportunity to integrate eating pizza.

Also, some of our international students were present during both events, whose task is to help Erasmus students settle in a new country and culture. They know very well that beginning in a new place can be hard and the help of kind people is precious.

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Ice skating

On January 18, 2023, thanks to Erasmus+ funds and the engagement of the International Office employees, our foreign 1st year (Erasmus+ exchange and international) students had an opportunity to go ice skating. Most of them tried that kind of activity for the first time and the results were astonishing for some of them.

It came out that some of them felt attracted by ice from the first glide, and discovered new skills. The others mentioned that it was hard but definitely worth putting effort.

When asked for feedback, all the students agreed that it was an unforgettable experience for many of them and a pleasant interlude to the exam time.

The Kielce University of Technology is not only a place where you can get formal education but also offers you the opportunity to feel like on cloud nine 🙂

Seasonal Meeting 2022

It is already a tradition that in December our first-year foreign (regular and Erasmus+) students are acquainted with Christmas customs in Poland. This year, the Seasonal Meeting took place on 7th December.

The Christmas meeting was arranged by the Department of International Cooperation and attended by the Kielce University of Technology’s authorities – the Rector Prof. Zbigniew Koruba, the Vice Rectors, Prof. Izabela Krzysztofik, Prof. Artur Maciąg, Prof. Marek Iwański, Prof. Włodzimierz Makieła and the Deans, Prof. Jakub Takosoglu, Prof. Roman Deniziak and the Vice Dean Barbara Łukawska Ph.D. Among others, there were also the faculty Erasmus+ coordinators and a choir representing the VI Comprehensive Secondary School in Kielce. Continue reading